拉里·R. Aaronson, Ph值.D.
作为一个土生土长的佛罗里达人,我得了B.S. degree in Biological 科学 from Florida State University in 1979. 1984年,我获得了博士学位.D. in Microbiology from Rutgers University where I studied the regulation of membrane fluidity during cold adaptation in 真菌 in the laboratory of Dr. 查尔斯•马丁. 晚些时候, I studied the biogenesis of the fungal plasma membrane proton pump as a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Human Genetics at Yale School of Medicine with Dr. 卡洛琳Slayman. 我于1987年加入犹他学院, 教授微生物学原理, 分子生物学, 免疫学, 和病毒学, 在其他课程中.
本科生研究的倡导者, I presently serve as a Biology Councilor in the Council on Undergraduate 研究 and am a member of the Committee on Undergraduate 教育 午夜时分erican Society 对于Microbiology where I am leading the new Undergraduate Teaching Fellowship Program. I was honored at UC in 1996 with the Crisafulli Distinguished Teaching Award and with the 哈罗德·T. 1997年克拉克研究奖. In 2007, I received the American Society 对于Microbiology/Carski Foundation Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award. (http://www.asm.org/Academy/index.asp?报价= 39527)
我的爱好包括阅读生物医学惊悚小说, 玫瑰园艺, 制作和投掷回飞镖, 还有《利记sbo》的一切.
在过去的23年里, as many as 60 Utica College students and 18 students from local high schools have worked on research projects in my lab. Many of these students have presented papers at national scientific meetings, and have received grants and fellowships from the American Society of Microbiology, The Microscopy Society of America and Sigma Xi to support their research. Some of the students from my research group have gone on to earn graduate degrees from institutions as Yale, 乔治华盛顿大学, 宾夕法尼亚州立大学, 匹兹堡大学, 马里兰大学, 罗切斯特大学, 阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校, 梅奥医学院和霍华德大学.
B.S. 佛罗里达州立大学生物科学学士(1979年)
Ph.D. 罗格斯大学微生物学学士(1984年)
Postdoctoral fellowship in the Department of Human Genetics at Yale School of Medicine with Dr. 卡洛琳Slayman
My current research interests are focused on the study of natural antifungal defenses in animal skin. For the past 15 years my lab group has concentrated on the study of the antifungal properties of sphingolipids, 哪种可以在皮肤上形成天然的抗真菌屏障. These studies may identify new agents to combat deadly infections by fungal pathogens. Other ongoing projects include an investigation of the antifungal bacterial flora of red-backed salamanders, and the biodiversity of bacteria in PCB-contaminated sediments of the Utica Marsh. New projects include induction of swarming activity in Bacillus cereus, 假单胞菌产生黑色素的光调控. UC17F4.
Gerlach J.A. Bart, K.M.洛杉矶的阿伦森(Aaronson).R. 1997. Mitochondrial activity and morphology are affected by sphinganine in Neurospora crassa. 显微与微量分析3:69.
Gerlach J.A.Bart, K.M.洛杉矶的阿伦森(Aaronson).R. 2001. Sphinganine induces osmotic instability and increased membrane permeability in Neurospora crassa. (提交出版).)
范·凯塞尔,J.C.斯坎伦,T.L.洛杉矶的阿伦森(Aaronson).R. 2003. Identification of the cutaneous antifungal microbial flora of the red-backed salamander, Plethodon cinereus. (提交ted to Microbial Ecology; in review)
Aaronson L.R. 2008. The “novel approach”: Popular fiction as a teaching tool in undergraduate microbiology courses. 重点微生物学教育15:2 -4.
Mikalajunas D.M. 范斯莱克,G.M.洛杉矶的阿伦森(Aaronson).R. 2000. 粗神经孢子虫体内生物素的转运. Abstracts of the 100th General Meeting 午夜时分erican Society 对于Microbiology.
泰勒,维.G. 奥古斯托,南卡罗来纳州.S.Bart, K.M.洛杉矶的阿伦森(Aaronson).R. 2001. The antimicrobial properties of sphingosines revisited: the vehicle affects toxicity. Abstracts of the 101st General Meeting 午夜时分erican Society 对于Microbiology, pg. 39.
麦戈文,E.M.范·凯塞尔,J.C.斯坎伦,T.L.皮拉,A.E.洛杉矶的阿伦森(Aaronson).R. 2002. Isolation and characterization of biotin transport-deficient mutants in Neurospora crassa. 第102代摘要. Mtg. 午夜时分. Soc. 对于Microbiol., pg. 504
范·凯塞尔,J.C.斯坎伦,T.L.洛杉矶的阿伦森(Aaronson).R. 2003. Identification of the cutaneous antifungal microbial flora of the red-backed salamander, Plethodon cinereus. 第103代摘要. Mtg. 午夜时分. Soc. 对于Microbiol. pg. 435.
Aaronson L.R. 2003. Science and Fiction: A “novel” course in microbiology and molecular biology for science education graduate students. 第103代摘要. Mtg. 午夜时分. Soc. 对于Microbiol. pg. 655.
Szymanska E. 和洛杉矶的阿伦森.R. 2004. Microbial contaminants in the gross anatomy laboratory: Isolation of Geotrichum sp. 以及从含酚的废拖把桶中提取的荧光假单胞菌. 第104代摘要. Mtg. 午夜时分. Soc. 对于Microbiol. pg. 535.
Aaronson L.R. 2005. “The Coming Plague”: An online course about emerging infectious diseases, biological weapons and public health for graduate teacher education and liberal studies students. 第105代摘要. Mtg. 午夜时分. Soc. 对于Microbiol.
管家,.M. 和洛杉矶的阿伦森.R. 2006. Identification of two unknown antifungal Pseudomonas species and their effect on Neurospora crassa hyphal morphology. 第106代摘要. Mtg. 午夜时分. Soc. 对于Microbiol.
管家,.M. 和洛杉矶的阿伦森.R. 2007. Pseudomonas antifungal secretions induce abnormal hyphal branching in Neurospora crassa through a putative calcium ionophore. 第107代摘要. Mtg. 午夜时分. Soc. 对于Microbiol.
Szymanska E.洛杉矶的阿伦森(Aaronson). R. 2007. Alteration of Candida albicans biofilm development by sphinganine. 第107代摘要. Mtg. 午夜时分. Soc. 对于Microbiol.
管家,.M. 和洛杉矶的阿伦森.R. 2008. Chlortetracycline staining of fungal cells in the presence of Pseudomonas julanda and Pseudomonas fluorescens supernatants provides further evidence of a calcium ionophore. 第108代摘要. Mtg. 午夜时分. Soc. 对于Microbiol.
Szymanska E. 和洛杉矶的阿伦森.R. 2008. Inhibition of Candida albicans biofilm formation by sphinganine: Inhibition of ALS-1 gene expression and differential sensitivity in different hyphal-inducing media. 第108代摘要. Mtg. 午夜时分. Soc. 对于Microbiol.
Aaronson L.R. 2008. Using popular fiction in undergraduate microbiology courses to enhance learning and integration of knowledge. 第十五届年度会议摘要. Soc. 对于Microbiol. 本科教育工作者会议,第7页. 84.
St. 路易斯,米.L.科蒂斯·A.洛杉矶的阿伦森(Aaronson).R. 神经鞘氨酸诱导白色念珠菌凋亡的研究. Abstracts of the 110th General Meeting 午夜时分erican Society 对于Microbiology
加尔布雷斯,K.M.班考斯基,M.洛杉矶的阿伦森(Aaronson). R.. 鞘氨氨酸对生长的抑制作用, 金黄色葡萄球菌的生存能力和生物膜形成. Abstracts of the 110th General Meeting 午夜时分erican Society 对于Microbiology
BIO 432 -微生物原理
包括细菌在内的微生物群调查, 病毒, 真菌, 原生生物, 还有一些无脊椎寄生虫. Bacterial structure, physiology, genetics, infection and disease, and immune response. 隔离实验室经验, 培养, morphological and biochemical characterization and identification; chemical and physical control of microbial growth.
BIO 454 -免疫学
动物免疫系统的高级研究. 强调免疫化学, 细胞免疫, 免疫病理, 免疫系统在移植中的作用, 癌症, 和艾滋病.
BIO 455 -病毒学
细菌、植物和动物病毒生物学. Virus structure, infective and replicative cycles, virus-host interactions. 病毒在传染病和癌症中的作用. 病毒作为生物技术和基因治疗的载体.
CHE 463 -生物化学II
生物膜与运输, Biosignaling, 代谢调节, 尿素循环, 氨基酸的生物合成, 脂类的生物合成, 氧化和光磷酸化, 代谢整合.
BIO 528 -科学与小说
Popular fiction, cinema and video as a teaching and learning tool in biology.
BIO 654 – “The Coming Plague”: Emerging Infectious Diseases, Biological Weapons and Public Health
The impact of human activity on the emergence of new infectious agents through natural and artificial means, 以及对全球公共卫生和经济的影响.
哈罗德·T. 克拉克研究奖(1997)
American Society 对于Microbiology/Carski Foundation Distinguished Undergraduate Teaching Award (2007)
哈罗德·T. 克拉克,小. 微生物学教授(2010 - 2015)
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